Sunday, October 31, 2004


Es ist interessant wie man Texte mit vielen Links liest. Mir ist jedenfalls aufgefallen das, Ich bei den Texte von Assoziations-Blaster, die mit Hyperlinks nur so durchsetzt sind, zwischen Links immer Pausen mache. Ich lese also nicht den ganzen Satz sondern die Links immer Wortweise.

Auch sehr interessant was Netzmanipulation angeht insert_coin.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Heute angekommen

Heute angekommen
  • Contemporary Linguistics für Einführung in die Linguistik für Studierende der Finnougristik und hoffentlich auch für meinen Schwerpunkt im Informatik Studium
  • Ein Moleskin das hoffentlich nicht so leicht verschleißt wie das Notizbuch, das ich momentan in meiner Gesäßtasche rumtrage.
  • Batterien für meine Digitalkamera, damit mir während meines Besuchs bei meiner Schwester in Stuttgart nicht der Strom ausgeht.
  • Ein Spiegel im Briefkasten, ich bin zu faul für eine Tageszeitung und mir sind Zeitungen auch zu groß.
  • Technology Review vom Zeitschriftenladen, Abo ist heute bestellt worden.
  • CD-Rohlinge damit ich ein Backup von wichtigen Daten machen kann um danach Ubuntu zu installieren.
  • Gummibärchen, die gab es umsonst.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

das wars

Ich habe die letzte Prüfung vom letzten Semester bestanden. Damit sieht es bei den Prüfungen vom SS04 garnicht so schlecht aus:

4.02.3 (5.0)2.72.0

Sunday, October 24, 2004

piano dreams

Some months ago I had a strange dream, strange because it was emotionally intense and unusual wrt what happened in it. I was not processing what happened the day before nor was it very surreal, it was not the “usual strangeness” of a normal dream.

I do not remember most of it, but three things stuck. I played at a piano, Michael (band leader at our church) played guitar and I sung a song. I did not know the lyrics but improvised on the spot, not having to think about words, they just flowed out of my mouth.

It was amazing, I did not know how to play piano, nor did I know the song. I just sat down and started playing & singing.

I was so happy making music, moved to tears in the dream. Waking up in disbelief that I could be that moved by a dream, I touched my eyes to discover that tears really were running down my face. Even now when I write and recall it, it is still very touching.

I did play piano when I was younger, but stopped at about ten. I do sing in the youth group at our church. So I would not rate myself high, but in the dream I just knew, I just knew how to sing and play as if I had done nothing else in my life. It is the second dream that touched me so deeply and I believe both were God touching my life, something he wants to tell me, not a order of his, but something he wants to share with me.

Until thanksgiving nothing came of it, I enjoyed it but took no action. At thanksgiving however we had a meal in the church and I sat at a table with our second pastor and the young (and attractive) piano player. The pianist told of spoiled children she is teaching, how she learned playing and church music. It took some weeks but today I asked her if she can give me piano lessons. Making my dream reality.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

code aesthetically pleasing

It [emacs] is written in Lisp, which is the only computer language that is beautiful. Neal Stephenson

I agree with him, the fact that that lisp does use only a few characters with a special meaning for most of the code and the fact that the two most used special characters are round makes most lisp code aesthetically pleasing. Some format code though, can be like going cyrillic


Sunday, October 03, 2004


busy, revising for exams, DFA, NFA, PDA, CFG, P, NP, TM, RAM etc.